Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I was not one of the cool kids at school. I wore mildly unfashionable clothes, read too much and said too little. Popularity wise, I existed in a weird bubble all my own, flitting between the band dorks, the Christians, the athletes, and one or two popular girls. This may be because I was one of the most ridiculously awkward people I knew, perhaps second only in epic awkwardness to the guy with whom I was voted “Tallest” in my senior class. Luckily, however, through the magical power of the blahgosphere, I have found someone whose awkward exploits are just as cringe-inducing and much better written. That person is Justin, whose blog Awkward Things I Say to Girls has left me speechless with thrilling and inspired nuggets like “You Have Really Good Proportions” and “I’d Like More of You in My Lifestyle” and most especially, the classic “Why Geeks Make Good Lovers.” This last is a wickedly logical point by point version of the one I embarrassingly, but determindly, tried to impress upon a group of eighth grade girls during a project presentation in high school. Sadly, my zealous argument that Geeks Are Hot was completely derailed by my partner, the Acknowledged Cute, Mysterious Yet Athletic Guy of my year. Everytime I attempted to guide these girls towards the truth about the untapped potential of geek love, he would smile shyly and winningly and I knew they were a Lost Cause to the irresistible scent of Eau du Jocque. Sigh.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I like lists. I make a lot of them. Usually I never actually get to crossing things off of the list, because the best part is just writing things down in columns. I could care less if I actually accomplish anything, and I'm always finding half-finished lists lying around. ANYWAY this list was going to be a guide to "A Random Selection of Interesting Sites I Found While Bored on the Internet" but then I was reminded that I promised Colin a list of new music he might enjoy. He has a problem with wormholes and lives physically in the present day but makes frequent trips to the mid-eighties and the late nineties. While this is not a bad thing, and is especially useful for Halloween and theme parties, Def Leppard could use a rest on his iTunes. So I will attempt to pull his musical taste, at least, into the late 00's. (oughts? oo's? did anyone figure that out yet?) Below is the list of bands organized loosely by category. Unfortunately I did not have time make handy reference Venn diagrams, so you are going to have to imagine the overlapping categories yourself.

3 Word Name Bands
Usually all dudes. A marked tendency towards rocking.
Dirty Pretty Things
Cold War Kids
We Are Scientists
Les Savy Fav
Broken Social Scene
Neutral Milk Hotel
New York Dolls
Rock Kills Kid

Tousle-Haired Singer Songwriters
Frequently found in coffeehouses. Like to sing pretty songs on acoustic guitars about their feelings. Mostly harmless, but may make you cry.
Willy Mason
Andrew Bird
Sparrow House
Ryan Adams
The Shivers

Our Neighbors to the North
O, Canada! Why must your bands always be so large? Are you trying to make up for something?
Arcade Fire
New Pornographers
Malajube (bonus: Quebecois!)
Broken Social Scene

Refers to the skinny jeans members of the band are usually wearing. Since they are mostly European, it works on them. Most communicate ironically and through electronic bleeps.
Dirty Pretty Things
LCD Soundsystem
Maximo Park
Klaxons (but only “Golden Skans”)
The Maccabees
The Subways
Los Campesinos
Of Montreal
Postal Service
The Rosebuds

The Outcasts
The other categories kicked them out, so they got their own.
Sleater-Kinney (“The Woods”)
The Format
Oh No! Oh My!
The Bens
Erasure (“Stop!” Warning - Eighties playlist only!)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Robot Pigeons

Just saw this article in Londonist about Chinese scientists and their remote-controlled pigeons. Realized that those same Chinese scientists submitted a manuscript about the same topic in early January and it came across my desk. At the time I thought it was completely ridiculous and possibly one of those crazy people manuscripts we occasionally get but then I watched the short movies that accompanied the paper. Utterly insane and scary at the same time. You could see the scientists operating remotes and making the birds fly along a predetermined path in a large room. The birds were definitely the most freaky looking things ever. Imagine a pigeon, staring in that stupid sort of way they do, but now with part of the top of their head cut off and (apparently) exposing a tiny brain which had a small electrode helment sort of strapped on, blinking with different colored lights. (The illustration is much more sanitized than it really was. The brain was sticking pretty far out.) My first reaction was one of horror, as it’s just a short paranoid hop from manipulating pigeons to manipulating humans, interlaced with the sort of fascination a car crash provokes. Then it just turned into, wtf? And why? Too bad I tossed the movies when the paper got rejected.

Here's the article from Reuter's. It appears they had the same reaction as I did.