Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Holiday Fallout

Crap day today. The day after a holiday always is, because you've had that extra taste of freedom and now it's that much harder to go back to the old 9 to 5. Work complete fiasco as it seemed all the authors needed a status update on their manuscript and they needed it NOW or at least YESTERDAY. And they're all for an editor who's been a bit slow with sorting through their assigned manuscripts. Which means I have to be the moderator of Author-Editor Relations, a role I heartily dislike because it means having to feed them a bit of knowledge to keep ravenous authors satisfied while withholding any real information from them, because an author with knowledge of what is really causing the holdup on their manuscript is a dangerous author indeed, liable to call me up and shout angrily about Competition and Significance, or worse yet, ask to speak to an editor. Editors are like priceless treasures behind glass-they are there to see and to judge, but not to touch or have contact with. This includes email.

Anyway, for the concerned, I am feeling better now. More and more it appears that New Year's was the absolute bottom and now I am finally going up.

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